Sometimes it is necessary to update a file in your D2L classroom. This is commonly used to replace schedule and syllabus documents once you’ve copied your content into a new semester, or when you found a mistake on your document.

The following instructions show you how to do this process.

  1. You cannot make changes to a file directly in Desire2Learn, so create the file however you would like it to be on your computer using the respective program. Save it somewhere you can easily find it.
  2. Sign in to D2L, navigate to your classroom, and click on Content on the gray navigation bar.
    switch topic 1
  3. Locate the file you want to switch out. Click the drop down arrow next to the file and choose Change File.
    switch topic 2
  4. Click Upload.
    switch topic 3
  5. Locate the file on your computer, click the file, then click Open.
    switch topic 4
  6. You will now see the new file listed. You have the option to choose Notify Students that the content has changed. This will send them a notification in D2L and all completion tracking will be reset. Choose the checkbox if you would like to use this option.
    switch topic 5
  7. Click Update and the new file will be listed in D2L.

Note: The title of the content topic in D2L will not change. Learn more here about how to change the title of a content topic.

How to change a file in the D2L Content tool

By default, D2L gives uploaded files the title you have used for the file you upload. However, this isn’t always meaningful to students. You are able to change the title of the content topic associated with your file as well as adding additional descriptive information to any uploaded document.

You can use this same process to change the name of files, links, and HTML pages.

  1. Sign in to D2L, navigate to your classroom, and click on Content on the gray navigation bar.
    switch topic 1
  2. Click the drop down arrow next to the file whose name you want to change. Choose Edit Properties In-Place.
    change name 1
  3. You are now looking at the content topic in editing mode. To edit the title, click on the title of the document. You can then edit the title by typing new information into the title box.
    change name 2
  4. When you are finished editing the title, hit Enter on your keyboard and your changes will be saved.
  5. You will still be looking at your topic in Edit mode. To return to the regular view of the Content tool, reload the page by holding down CTRL + R on your keyboard for a PC, or Command + R on a Mac.

Guide based on D2L 10.3

How to change the title of a content topic in D2L